
Larry zimmerman sheet music collector brooklyn
Larry zimmerman sheet music collector brooklyn

larry zimmerman sheet music collector brooklyn larry zimmerman sheet music collector brooklyn larry zimmerman sheet music collector brooklyn

Their debut EP, Ghosties, is a toast to the common ground we share emotionally with history's dead. Gawain and the Green Knight is a Brooklyn-based folk duo, featuring intimate lyrics, orchestral arrangements, and buckets of longing. Watering Mouth by Gawain and The Green Knight While the song may be birthed on darkly beautiful orchestration and Antoniou plaintive vocals, it quickly chases itself with a big chamber (indie) pop chorus (I thought of Flo and the Machine a bit) but all the while, stabs of Bouzouki and Violin and worldly percussion transports you to other places where other beautiful languages are spoken and sung. On their latest offering, Watering Mouth, they (with a bevy of talented musicians) stir in all those influences and, as written by Antoniou and exquisitely arranged by O'Malley, the sounds move between all worlds fluidly. Their aesthetic pours in mythologies and mysticism with tones and melodies that have the lilt of Irish and Celtic music as well as hints of maqãm (Arabic) and while Bedouin and North African music has a (more than imagined) connection to Irish music, Antoniou and Malley also layer in lush elements of baroque pop. A more accurate description would be storytellers or maybe conjurers or musical alchemists. Gawain and the Green Knight, aka Alexia Antoniou and Mike O'Malley based out of Brooklyn, New York might be called a folk duo but that would just be a simplification.

Larry zimmerman sheet music collector brooklyn